Calm corner

6 Ideas to Create a Calming Corner at Home!

photo above by visually us

Nowadays, daily obligations fill you with stress and fatigue.

In order to be effective, you need to devote time to yourself so that you can rest both physically and mentally.

You can create a personal quiet space in your home, which can be a corner or even a room, depending on the space you have in your home.

Discover some ways to create your own personal quiet space.

1. Choose to paint the walls in this space with colours that relax you and create a feeling of peace and tranquillity.

photo by andrea davis

2. Place decorative objects on the walls that you enjoy when you look at them. This way your mind will calm down.

photo by daria shevtsova

3. Place an armchair with a stool to rest your feet or a sofa depending on the space you have. Add comfortable pillows for your body.

photo by charlotte may

4. Choose a piece of furniture that will be the focus of your activities during your relaxing hours.

photo by taryn elliott

This piece of furniture can be a bookcase in which you will place all the books you desire to read.
This piece of furniture can also be a piece of music on which you can place a music player accompanied by your favourites songs.
In addition, if you like writing, you could place a desk small or large, depending on the space you have.

5. If you love flowers and plants in general, place some of them of your choice in the space. They will relax and rejuvenate you at the same time.

photo by maria orlova

6. Choose for the lighting of the space, colours that exude warmth and calmness.

photo by andrea davis

I hope the above ideas will inspire you to create your own personal calming corner.
I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section below!

The home equals love and devotion. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and your home.

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