Weekly Household Chores

photo above by andrea piacquadio

The following can be characterized as weekly household chores.
You can categorize them based on the necessity and priority that you think they should always have in your weekly schedule.

1. Do laundry.

photo by karolina grabowska

We all want to wear clean clothes each week and have clean sheets and towels.
Scheduling the days you put in the laundry during each week can help you know when you will have your clothes dry and ready for ironing.
Separate clothing from towels and sheets to avoid dangerous germs as well as white from dark colours to destroy colours.

2. Ironing.

photo by karolina grabowska

Undoubtedly, one of the most time-consuming household chores is ironing.
For this reason, it is good to divide all-ready-made clothes for ironing into smaller doses in order to save more time each day and much more time than the day you would let the ironing take two or three hours.
Divide the clothes smartly into small stacks, take some time for example half an hour at a time and you will realize the difference.
Avoid leaving ironing for the weekend, especially if you work during the week.
Save time and dedicate it to yourself and your family.

3. Kitchen cleaning.

photo by liliana drew

The kitchen requires daily tidying and cleaning even locally.
However, at least once a week it needs a good cleaning.
The cleaning of the refrigerator and the freezer from expired foods as well as their thorough cleaning is essential for good hygiene.
Good cleaning of the kitchen eyes with a good detergent is important for good kitchen maintenance.
Washing kitchen towels are also necessary.
Thoroughly clean all kitchen appliances and utensils, cupboard handles and your refrigerator door.

4. Cleaning the bathroom and toilet.

photo by karolina grabowska

The daily and continuous use of the bathroom and toilet make frequent cleaning necessary.
Once a week you should spend time on a thorough cleaning.
Your bathtub or shower, as well as shower doors, must be cleaned with a descaling agent. Thoroughly clean the sink and basin with a good cleaner of your choice.
Your bathtub or shower. The mirror of your toilet.
Any furniture or shelves you have in the space.
Hair brushes, toothbrushes and drawers of unnecessary things. Replace body, face and hand towels with clean towels.

5. Arrange things in every room of the house.

photo by алекке блажин

Take time to place items that are not in place in your home space.
You can do this homework regularly during the week.
This way you avoid creating a chaotic situation at the end of the week.

6. Dusting.

photo by cottonbro

Dusting furniture is necessary for all areas of your home so that you can breathe fresh air and not be full of bacteria.
Dust all the furniture in all the rooms of the house with a duster of your choice.
There are many smart solutions on the market that make dusting really easy and fast.

7. Wipe and mop the floor of each room.

photo by anete lusina

Try not to walk in the house with your shoes on.
By following this principle, you and all your family members can avoid dirty floors and dirt in your home.
Wiping and mopping should be done at least once or twice a week.

8. Change your sheets and pillowcases.

photo by ron lach

Change your sheets and pillowcases once or twice a week.
This way you avoid germs and enjoy better sleep on clean sheets.

9. Throw away the rubbish.

photo by sarah chai

Dispose of rubbish in rubbish bins and recycling bins.
Do not store rubbish or items in the trash.
This way you avoid unpleasant odours in your home and the accumulation of unnecessary items such as glass and plastic bottles, cardboard and so on.

10. Do the weekly supermarket shopping.

photo by gustavo fring

A basic household chore that we all do weekly and maybe more than once a week is to buy the necessary food for the next week.
Organize yourself by writing the list of foods and all the necessary products you need to buy on a piece of paper.
Using the list first you will not forget to buy something that is mandatory for you.

Have any tips you want to share? Post them in the comments below. I’d love to read them!

Thank you!

The home equals love and devotion. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and your home.

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