kitchen smart tips

Learn 7 Smart Kitchen Tips for less Hassle during the Cooking Time

photo above by mark mccammon

Based on my personal experience, I have noticed that the best solution to reduce the stress in the kitchen is to be always prepared and organized in advance.
What do I mean by that?
Simply, tidy up your kitchen before cooking.
Below, you can find 7 very simple and smart tips that can help you to succeed!

1. Dishwasher.

photo by pixabay

Make sure the dishwasher is empty before you start cooking. Like that you do not lose time trying to find or remember where you have put each utensil.

2. Empty Trash.

photo by anete lusina

Have space in the trash so that waste materials do not accumulate on the benches or use a bowl as a trash can on the counter or use a drawer waste bin, you can find this in the market.

3. Empty Sinks.

photo by andrea piacquadio

Each time you use a cooking utensil you can wash it after its use or you can put it in a bowl of hot soapy water.
Doing that most of the dirty stains have been removed and you will lose less time to wash them later.

4. Do not leave garbages on the workbench.

photo by shvets production

Throw garbage in the bin while you work.

5. Preparation of the cooking ingredients in advance.

photo by angele j

Arrange your ingredients on the counter in advance. Put the food in a bowl or pre-place the ingredients you need such as spices, onions, oil or sauces on the counter.

6. Arrange materials in the cupboards or refrigerator during the cooking.

photo by polina tankilevitch

If you have used half a jar or a box of any material, place the jar or the box back in the cupboard or refrigerator.
This will help you have less work later and avoid accidents in a hurry.

7. Wipe the counters and all the surfaces used with a cleaning fluid at the end of the cooking.

photo by rodnae productions

When you have finished with the cooking, spray the benches and surfaces you have used with a cleaning fluid of your choice.
Αllow the liquid to act on the surfaces for some time so it can remove the stains effectively.
This way, the cleaning will be much easier later.

I hope these 7 simple but very efficient Tips will help you!

The home equals love and devotion. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and your home.

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