Living Room

How to keep your Living Room Clean and Tidy!

photo above by Jean van der Meulen

It is generally accepted that the living room is the room that will offer us and all members of our family, moments of relaxation and family reunion after a long day.

For the above reasons, we must keep this area of ​​the house as clean and tidy as possible

Below, I present to you some ways in which you can keep your living room organized so that it is ready to offer you moments of relaxation.

1. Place each object that you use back in its position.

photo by shvets production

By placing each item you use back in its place, you save a lot of time because your living room will be less messy and its cleaning faster and more efficient.

2. Fewer objects bring harmony to the place.

photo by vecislavas popa

Try not to burden the living room with objects or furniture that are not really necessary in the place. Think about which of them are necessary. For example, you can get rid of souvenirs or other objects that have no decorative value and simply take up space.

3. Exposed cables and small items.

photo by rachel claire

You can hide the exposed cables with a pipe or under a piece of furniture so as not to burden the aura of the space. You can also place small items such as the remote control or the air conditioner control in a specific space or in a decorative basket for example. In addition, items that you do not use often, such as magazines, books and photo albums, can be placed in a specific area of ​​the living room or on a piece of furniture such as a shelf for example.

4. Take care of your couch pillows.

photo by terje sollie

If you are decorating your living room sofa with pillows, then they should be fluffy and their covers should be clean. Place the pillows on the sofa in a beautiful way to create a feeling of freshness in the living room.

5. A beautiful decorative basket can be a smart solution in case of guests at home and especially in case you have children.

photo by cottonbro

Buy a beautiful decorative basket that you can place in your living room and put anything you do not want to look messy in case you have guests in your home.
This basket can become your best friend especially if you have children and they play with their toys in the living room.

I hope you found the above suggestions helpful. I would be glad to read your ideas in the comments.

The home equals love and devotion. Take care of yourself, your loved ones and your home.

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